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Welcome to MYPQ2024

Welcome to the Malaysian Physiology Quiz (MyPQ) website. This event is organized by the Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in collaboration with The Society for Physiology (TSfP). Click here to register.


Welcome to MYPQ2024, the Malaysian Physiology Quiz. We are a team of experts in Physiology and our mission is to promote Physiology as a science and to advance our understanding of the human body. We organize an annual quiz that brings together students and professionals from around the world to compete and share their knowledge. Join us to learn, network, and have fun.


MYPQ2024 offers a unique educational experience for students and professionals interested in Physiology. Our quiz covers a wide range of topics in Physiology, from basic concepts to cutting-edge research. We also provide resources and training for participants to improve their knowledge and skills in the field. Join us to enhance your education and career.


MYPQ2024 is a platform for research in Physiology. We encourage participants to explore new ideas and to present their findings at our quiz. We also collaborate with other organizations to support research in Physiology and to promote innovation. Join us to advance your research and make a difference.


MYPQ2024 is more than just a quiz, it's a community. We bring together people from different backgrounds and cultures to share their passion for Physiology. We also organize social and cultural events to create a friendly and inclusive environment. Join us to be part of a global community of Physiology enthusiasts.

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